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I made it to Sonoma June 26, 2009

Posted by goirishgorebels in General.

The plane ride was pretty unevenful.  I got to read a lot of the latest Grisham book, The Associate.  When I got to the airport, I needed to wait about an hour and a half for the bus to take some of us to the hotel.  The ride to the hotel was another hour and a half.  The weather is beautiful.  I sat down by the pool and called Lisa.  She asked if I was going to go swimming and I had to tell her it was too COLD.  End of June and it was probably upper 70’s.

The hotel sits up on a hill where you can look out over part of Sonoma.  When I look in the direction the ride will take us, I see some pretty big mountains.  That’s right, mountains.  They are nice to look at, but I can’t start thinking about what it will be like to climb them on the bike.

We had a dinner tonight at the hotel and I got to meet a lot of the other riders.  They are from all over the US.  My room mate is from Seattle and he is a riding coach.  When I met him at the room, he was just getting back from a ride.  He has a folding bike which looks really cool.  I have lots of pictures already, but the computer at the hotel doesn’t have a SD Card slot to upload, so they’ll have to wait until I get back home.

Tomorrow we have a breakfast then a safety meeting.  After the meeting, we will do a tune up ride to make sure the bike is working correctly.  After the ride, I am going to a couple biking classes to learn more about maintenance and bike fit.  I’ll probably relax a little, or take a ride with some others if they venture out.  Then it’s off to a carb dinner, rest and then to the ride.


1. Barbara Williams - June 27, 2009

Just checked your blog hoping we’d find out how things are going…Sounds like good pedal weather!!You will be in our thoughts all day along with prayers for a safe ride. You have arrived and soon you will be saying “mission accomplished!!” WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!! KEEP PEDALLING AND WE’LL LOOK FOR YOUR NEXT BLOG WHEN YOU HAVE THE ENERGY TO WRITE IT!! Love, Mom and Dad

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